The Trial of John Huss |
This is the outline for the final class before the exam. this will set the stage for Christian History II in the winter semester.
Seeds of Discontent
The Decline of the Papacy & the Growth of Reform
I. Western Europe “Born Again”
A. Black Death
B. Renaissance
C. Growth of Nationalism
D. Humanism
II. Decline of the Papacy
A. Increased Immorality
B. The “Babylonian Captivity”
i. Avignon
ii. Rome
iii. The Great Schism
C. Will the real Pope please stand up?
i. Ending the “Great Schism”
ii. Conciliar Movement
iii. The Tail That Wagged the Dog
III. Responses
A. Mystics & Monastic Reforms
C. Growing Prominence of Women
i.Catharine of Siena
iii. Julian of Norwich
D. Inquisition
i. Factors
ii. Effects
IV. Early Reformers
A. Wyclif
i. Lollards
B. John (or Jan) Hus
i. Hussites
C. Council of Constance
D. Latin v non-Latin Europe…
“It is one thing to be of the church, another thing to be in the church. Clearly it does not follow that all living persons who are in the church are of the church. On the contrary, we know that tares grow among the wheat…Some are neither in name nor reality in the church—such as reprobate pagans. Others are in the church in name only—such as, for example, reprobate hypocrites. Still others are in the church in reality and, although they appear to be in name outside it, are predestined Christians—such as those who are seen to be condemned by the satraps of the Antichrist before the church.”
“if you do that which I am going to tell you now, you will have reached a consummate perfection and nothing will be wanting in you. It is the attainment of an ardently desired and perseveringly sought disposition of the soul in which you are so closely united with me and your will so conformed to my perfect will that you never wish not only evil, but even the good that I do not wish.”
~Catharine of Siena, Dialogue~
“When we see the host we ought to believe not that itself the body of Christ, but that the body of Christ is sacramentally concealed in it…We Christians are permitted to deny that the bread which we consecrate is identical with the body of Christ, although it is the efficacious sign of it…”
~John Wyclif, The Eucharist, 1:2~
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ReplyDeleteJust discovered that this comment thing is here... too bad I didn't clue in earlier! Thanks for a great course, Jamie!!
ReplyDeleteAwesome class Jamie! Thoroughly enjoyed it, and it definitely kindled an interest in our history in me! Wanted to share on here the fact that the only occassionally sung 2nd verse of "O Come Al Ye Faithful" is pretty much the Nicene Creed being sung; adds so much power when you know what went into those words.... Cheers!
ReplyDeleteMatt V.